DevSecOps Consulting Services

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Prioritize Security Without Compromising on Development Speed

DevSecOps Consultant works on Security aspects of DevOps and new-era software stacks. Key parts of this role are to take part in implementing security practices and tools in CI/CD and production runtime environments.DevSecOps services help build a secure foundation for DevOps initiatives. The meaning of DevSecOps is development, security, and operations. DevSecOps involves considering application and infrastructure security from the outset and end to end.DevSecOps is the practice of integrating security testing at every stage of the software development process. It includes tools and processes that encourage collaboration between developers, security specialists, and operation teams to build software that is both efficient and secure. DevOps engineers build, test and maintain infrastructure and tools so that software can be developed and released. DevOps (development operations) is a series of practices and processes that help organisations speed up and automate aspects of developing, testing, releasing and updating software.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Services

Business Benefits of Adopting the DevSecOps Process

Robust Security Measures

DevSecOps implementation services ensure comprehensive security controls, continuous monitoring, and automated security testing for proactive vulnerability identification and remediation.

Cost-Effective Security

By integrating automated security testing and continuous monitoring, DevSecOps significantly reduces the financial impact of security breaches, leading to substantial cost savings.

Elevated Software Quality

DevSecOps managed services emphasize continuous quality improvement, resulting in higher-quality software that exceeds customer expectations, fostering satisfaction and loyalty.

Agile and Rapid Development

DevSecOps consulting services enable seamless delivery of high-quality code, reducing vulnerabilities and enabling faster time-to-market, providing a competitive edge and responsiveness to market demands.

Regulatory Compliance Made Easy

DevSecOps ensures adherence to regulatory standards from the outset, simplifying compliance efforts and facilitating regulatory approvals.

Collaborative Work Environment

DevSecOps fosters a collaborative culture, breaking down organizational silos and encouraging knowledge-sharing and collective problem-solving for enhanced team collaboration and productivity.

DevSecOps Approach

Product Engineering Expertise
  • Code Analysis:

    Delivering code in small increments can quickly identify and address vulnerabilities.

  • Change Management:

    Users can submit changes to enhance speed and efficiency while assessing the impact of these changes to ensure positive outcomes.

  • Compliance Monitoring:

    Organizations should maintain compliance with regulations such as GDPR and PCI DSS, proactively preparing for audits from regulators.

  • Threat Investigation:

    Each code update brings potential emerging threats. It is crucial to identify and respond to these threats swiftly.

  • Vulnerability Assessment:

    Ongoing analysis of new vulnerabilities and prompt response strategies are essential for maintaining security.

  • Training:

    Software and IT engineers should receive security-related training and guidelines to establish proper routines.

Why Choose CGT for DevSecOps? 

CGT stands as a reputable and trustworthy leader in the realm of DevSecOps consulting services. Leveraging our extensive industry experience, comprehensive approach, advanced technology stack, and client-focused mindset, we have become the preferred partner for organizations seeking to embrace the potential of DevSecOps.

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Dramatically disseminate real-time portals rather than top-line action items. Uniquely provide access to low-risk high-yield products without dynamic products. Progressively re-engineer low-risk high-yield ideas rather than emerging alignments.

Dramatically disseminate real-time portals rather than top-line action items. Uniquely provide access to low-risk high-yield products without dynamic products. Progressively re-engineer low-risk high-yield ideas rather than emerging alignments.

Dramatically disseminate real-time portals rather than top-line action items. Uniquely provide access to low-risk high-yield products without dynamic products. Progressively re-engineer low-risk high-yield ideas rather than emerging alignments.
